Lightning talks are 5 minute talks where people either state something amazing they can measure, or state a measurement problem they would like assistance with.
A.M. Session
- Frontiers of radioastronomy, Laura Newburgh (Astronomy/Astrophysics)
- Adding optical structural characterization dimension to mass spectrometry, Mark Johnson (Chemistry)
- Comprehensive imaging resources in the Yale Magnetic Resonance Research Center, Todd Constable (Radiology and Biomedical Imaging/Neurosurgery)
- Compact optical spectrometers using fibers or on white-light sources with no speckle for neuro-imaging, Hui Cao (Applied Physics)
- Novel methods in 3D bioprinting for vascular and intestinal replacement, John Geibel (Surgery)
- Mega-scale instrumentation in particle physics, Bonnie Fleming (Physics)
- Yale’s ion mobility-mass spectrometry facility at the Keck center, and other developments to characterize electrospray plumes, Juan Fernandez de la Mora (Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science)
- Dragonfly telescope, Pieter van Dokkum (Astronomy)
- Detecting dark matter, Reina Maruyama (Physics)
- DNA tracing and RNA profiling in single cells with multiplexed sequential FISH, Siyuan (Steven) Wang (Genetics)
- Neurotechnology instrumentation development, Joel Greenwood (Neuroscience)
P.M. Session
- Computing with events, Rajit Manohar (Electrical Engineering)
- Exoplanets, measuring tiny doppler shifts, Ryan Blackman and Ryan Petersburg (Astronomy)
- Native mass spectrometry: A novel platform for discovering macromolecular protein assemblies, Kallol Gupta (Cell Biology)
- Surface and interface physics using low energy electron microscopy and nano-optics, Adrian Gozar (Applied Physics)
- Advances in scanning probe microscopy, Eric I. Altman (Chemical and Environmental Engineering)
- Engineering molecular tools with DNA nanotechnology, Chenxiang Lin (Cell Biology)
- Frontiers of cryo-EM, Yong Xiong (MB&B)
- Precision isotope measurements, Peter Raymond (FES)
- Force-Detected Absorption Spectroscopy in Solution With Optical Tweezers, Ziad Ganim (Chemistry)
- Optical tweezers design for biological applications, Vladimir Polejaev (West Campus Imaging Core)
- Nanophotonics and nanomechanics, Alex Bruch (Engineering)